Channeling ///

Archangel Christiel // Un-constricted

An amazing analogy to assist in catching yourself before a constricting emotion gains momentum.

Thank you for your interest in me. I know as a human you have a tendency to think of yourself as less than beings of the higher realms, but trust me when I say that we are equally as excited to communicate with you as you are to communicate with us. We are all Source Energy, just on different journeys, different paths, different vibrations of the whole. We all love to help each other out.

And this may surprise you, but this is how all humans feel (loving to help each other out); this is how the True Self of all humans feels. And yes, the fearful ego can and especially in your past, often got in the way of that. But as it is fading away for you know that it will be fading away for many many many others. And know that you are one that is assisting these others who will be following in this same general path. I say general because everyone’s path is different but I mean the releasing of fear and all that comes along with that illusion.

You can trust your fellow humans, you can trust the knowing that they are Source Energy, you can trust the knowing that you can communicate with their Higher Selves telepathically. And some of them, maybe more of them than you realize, will be able to pick up on various aspects (of this communication) for this is a time of great awakening, a great shift of consciousness on planet Earth. This is a beautiful, beautiful time.

Soak in the present moment; knowing that you are love, you are loved, and love is all around you. Every True Self or Higher Self of every human loves you unconditionally and loves every other human unconditionally. When you are of a particular vibration you really can bring out the best in everyone and everything, the best is a translation for your human language to mean a higher vibration. As if you are a higher vibration you raise the vibration of those around you and then now they interact with you from that higher vibrational place.

So continue to let go of that which is lower vibrational in nature. And the simplest way of thinking of lower vibration is fear; fearful thinking, fear-based beliefs, fearful emotions. And as you realized today thanks to a prickly little thorn, that you really can sense other peoples emotions and when they are a match to an emotion that you used to have, it is easy for you to feed that emotion rather than let it go. But I would suggest that anytime you feel a negative, constricting emotion, no matter where it is coming from; and you will realize and you are realizing that it is often not even coming from you, but others who you are focused upon. When you feel this, let it move through you.

As soon as you feel that constrictiveness, let it go, release it, because as you realized yesterday when you didn’t even think of releasing it you fed that negative emotion and then a helpful little thorn tried to let you know but you were still so caught up in it that did not recognize it and you kept on that path and you had many friends doing their best to assist you but you were on that path all the way until you reached your home. And so you see how one little negative emotion, or I should say one little constrictive emotion, there’s nothing wrong with negative; negative is receiving which is wonderful, which is what all humans are meant to do, so I will use the word constricting.

When it is a constricting emotion, no matter how small, let it go. I will give you an analogy. Not to cause fear, but think of it as a Boa Constrictor, the snake. And you are sitting there and you start to feel it. At this point, it would be very easy to say to the snake ‘no my loving friend, it is time for you to go’, but if you do not recognize it, pretty soon it is wrapped all around you and you wonder how you got there. Know that you are a eternal being and you cannot die, and the snake is you and the snake is love and I use this analogy not to scare anyone but moreso when you feel that tinge of constriction you let it go, rather then get all constricted up for hours on end. As that never feels good. And you can see now that the snake was just attempting to assist you out of love, to let you know, to let it go.

One of the reasons it is so hard for humans to let go is because once they get in one of these constrictive states they’re brainwaves go into what you have learned to be called a high-beta brainwave, and in this brainwave state they really are not thinking clearly, they are (mentally constricted); over-analyzing, thinking in the past, and going further and further away from their True Self, from their Higher Self, from that place of being centered. And as they move further and further away it becomes more and more difficult to get back there.

So again, as soon as you feel that tiny constriction, you let that go. It makes no difference where it is from, you or another, and one thing is true, is that if another causes you to feel a feeling you have felt in the past that is a direct energetic match and that is why, or one of the reasons why that Being of Light in human form has come across your path. So you would both benefit from the learning experience. Now, one that is in that high-beta brainwave state, will not see it as such a beneficial interaction, but I promise you that it is. It is always a beneficial interaction, everything you are experiencing is beneficial for you, every other human you encounter is beneficial for you, every thorn, every stone, everything that you interact with is beneficial to you and is a match to you on an energetic level.

So what does one do to come back to a more beneficial brainwave state? Well, there are some very easy ways that many many on your planet have spoken about. The first one is simply to breathe. Breathe deep breaths, you can breathe out longer than you breathe in to give the nervous system a break. The second is to Feel Gratitude for something, anything, the air you’re breathing, the clothes on your back. And in this gratitude you will come back to your Center, and in the breathing you will have relaxed your body, and from a relaxed and centered place, these two very easy steps; you will automatically be able to think much more clearly.

If you recall your interaction yesterday, when you started to feel constricted, you didn’t even think of breathing, you didn’t think of what you were grateful for. You just became more hurried, more stressed, more anxious in your thoughts, not necessarily that you were those things, but it was bringing up a past pattern that you have not fully let go of, or else it would not have come up like that. And also to teach you that you can feel other peoples emotions. You are not responsible for any other persons emotions. But being Able to Feel them is a Gift. It is a gift as you can learn much about yourself and also know much better how to assist others.

Although I would suggest acting from an intuitive point of view rather than a mental point of view. The two work together, but let the intuitive lead the mental, rather than the other way around. And if you are just relying on the mental, well, the intuitive will likely not even come into the mind. So, stay centered, gratitude will always bring you back to the center. Breathe, it will relax the body. In this state you will be aligned to receive intuitive guidance which then you can use anything that comes up in your mental body to assist yourself or another being. And also know that when you assist yourself, you are also by default assisting all other beings as well, so either way, you are helping the whole, you are having an impact on the whole.

It is my intention that this message gives you confidence in your gift of sensitivity to energies, to emotions. And I encourage you to continue to investigate it and to hone it as it is meant to be a great benefit to yourself and all others. Such as all gifts.

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Channeled Messages /// These messages are channeled by placing my attention and focus on an energy I am Guided towards. In this state I receive energy and translate it into words moment by moment. I ask permission of who I channeled before posting the message. Love and Gratitude beyond words for these insights and co-creations!