Nature ///

Black Heron Spirit Animal

As I bobbed in the sea a Black Heron flew overhead, with messages of encouragement to keep forging ahead.

Black Heron spiritual meaning for me here and now. And if you are drawn to read this know it is resonant with you too! Keep in mind that with animal spirits and angel numbers the meaning for you may vary at different times of your life, and also may vary depending on whether you see it in waking life, in a vision or in a dream. So cool. All is so multi-faceted.

The first thing I felt when I saw the Black Heron fly over me was to remain patient and know that good things are coming, the better is always on its way. So to have faith and trust in that. It was a very strong feeling that patience and trust will pay off in a big way, just keep going.

The black color represented the magic and mystery of life, the reminder that anything is possible, dreams coming true, the power we all have to manifest and create. Angel number 000 came into my awareness – representing infinite possibilities. The fertile void. New opportunities.

It was flying alone along a rugged coastline, independent and very healthy and strong. It flew with grace and ease, knowing that it is self-sufficient. Every day is a new beginning for the heron to do what it feels is best for it, whether by its self or with another heron. No attachments or dependencies. Freedom to be its self and do its own thing. Secure in its self.

Thank you Black Heron for appearing in my life at just the right time to encourage me forward on my journey. Much love and gratitude my majestic feathered friend!! 🖤✨

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*Important* Thank you to those who wish to share any image or message for personal & not-for-profit use only; respecting copyright, and not altering the vibrational imprint of the image or message. Credit to Chelsea Sawatzky and include website link. Easy share buttons below!

Communication with Nature /// Telepathic connection with the essence of rocks, minerals, plants, animals, water. Another aspect of our Self, of Gaia, that some call Devas or Elementals. Everything is energy, everything is consciousness. I adore the natural world; balanced, harmonious, and always following the path of least resistance.

Tree Seed

A giant cedar tree lovingly shared this analogy to assist me in shifting my perspective. So empowering!

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