Channeled from a 7D Collective of Non-Physical Pleiadian Beings
We suggest you let go of your expectations and just relax, trust, be present and enjoy. And that truly is a winning formula. Relax, trust, be present and enjoy. In doing those things you will feel many other beautiful loving emotions, such as gratitude.
You will always be exactly where is perfect for you to be on your journey. So there is no rush to ramp up the density or dimension, it is much more important to enjoy every moment of every stage, not rushing to the next one, but enjoy and getting as much out of each stage that you can. If you think of every stage as a gift, you want to get the most you can out of each gift. Same with your manifestations, you want to get the most you can out of your manifestations.
So if you get a new pair of shorts, for example, you want to have the time of looking forward to the shorts, the excitement of picking out the shorts, the excitement of choosing the best size for you, the best color for you, the best cut. And then you want to feel gratitude for that process and feel gratitude for the shorts which are now a part of your “possessions”, we use that lightly because we are all one and everything is one but as you see it on Earth you would “have” the shorts. Be grateful for the shorts.
Then you have the excitement of washing the shorts before you wear them for the first time. And every time you touch them and see them you can feel gratitude for them. And then the excitement of wearing the shorts for the first time, feeling so good, feeling so grateful, expressing yourself with this new article of clothing. Maybe the shorts you chose for a specific activity or task and they inspire you to perform that activity or task that you love to do. And so again, you feel gratitude for this inspiration, for this ability to express yourself. And even as the shorts become worn and old, you still have gratitude and beautiful memories of wearing the shorts, the manifestation process, and the joyful moments you had in them.
So you can see with this example that just one, which on the outside may look like a seemingly small step forward, or manifestation in this moment; gave you so much. So much to be grateful for, so much joy, so much inspiration. And in doing so you can look forward to your next pair of shorts with a knowing that as you ascend on this journey everything just gets better and better and better, and better and better and better, and better and better and better. And you feel even more gratitude, even more joy, even more inspiration on deeper and deeper levels.
And you trust that more is always coming, because it is. Because when you are aligned with your True Self, your Higher Self, the Divine within you; you are by default in a state of Abundance. Where you always have enough, and more is always coming. And this is how All humans are meant to live. It has just been a challenge of Earth to realize this truth, this certainty, that abundance Is your Divine birthright. And to be able to Trust that on the deepest of deepest levels and to let go of all doubt.
And just because you had an experience in the past, does not mean you need to experience it again. And also the perspective, if you really look at, will have changed so drastically you will be able to see that now it just shows its purpose – how you were creating your reality; by beliefs, thoughts, emotions, feelings, action. That is why it is so important, as you know, to investigate these beliefs. The false, fear-based beliefs, to release and let go of them because they are the only thing that keeps a human out of alignment; of being their True Self, their Higher Self.
Cultivate a beautiful world within you, and it will be reflected outside. You know this already from many experiences, but it is always helpful to remind you. As in the reminder, is encouragement, there is encouragement, inspiration and new thoughts. How beautiful can you make your inside world? How amazing can you make your inside world? How magical can you make your inside world? This Will be reflected outside. This is why having a balance between the inside exploration and the outside exploration creates an amazingly beautiful, joyous journey.
You are on the right path and we are always here for you. Now go have fun and enjoy your day.