Today is a new day. And you do not have to carry into it anything from yesterday, the worries of yesterday, the concerns of yesterday. Once you release any energies, lower energies, dense energies; you do not have to conjure up something similar the next day. Have compassion for yourself and know that you are doing very well, you are doing amazingly. And that when you have been running the same pattern, the same programs, for decades and decades it will take more than a day or two to fully come into your new way of being.
That being said, I would suggest when you wake up focus first on your new way of being rather than allowing the patterns to start and then catching it and then getting frustrated and then feeling bad about and then trying to force thoughts and on and on. So, when you wake up focus on being the new you. The you that you want to be. And for this I would suggest first feeling grateful for the day and filling your body with Love and Trust, reminding yourself you are worthy of all of the beauty and amazing things that you could encounter in a day. Ask yourself what joys and delights will happen today?
And in doing all of those things you will be by default feeling good, and will be starting the day in a feel good way. And when you feel good, your reality aligns to give you more good feelings, you would call that happiness. So if you feel good in your reality, more things will come to you to make you feel happy about. But as you know, if you feel bad, you often get stuck in these mental spirals and then you think you need to release all these things that you’ve already released. And that’s just habit. It’s just breaking these habits, these patterns.
And if you do find yourself slipping into an old pattern, be thankful for the awareness to notice it. And when you start with that gratitude, you start from the center, from being centered; gratitude will always bring you back to your center. And when you are centered, this will be much less likely to become getting upset with yourself. So feel the gratitude for noticing and simply pivot. And although this process may seem grueling and frustrating and difficult, you must realize that you are making amazing progress in a very short span of time. It is a very very short span of time compared to the amount of time you stayed in those old programs. So for that, right now, you can have gratitude, you can celebrate that and I suggest that you do.
Everything is in Divine right time. Everything happens in the Now. So making feeling good your priority in the now, feeling gratitude in the present, it may seems like you’re not doing anything but in fact it is the fastest way to what you want, what you desire, and more. Rather than thinking about why hasn’t this changed yet, feel gratitude that it is changing in the now. Feel gratitude for the now, breathe, breathe, breathe. And then focus on your favourite thing that is happening in the Now. And more than one are likely to come to mind. In fact when you start to focus on your favourite thing happening in the now you just may amaze yourself with how many things you have to get excited about.
When you’re focused on yourself you create a better reality for yourself and all others by default. Each other human on your planet, every other human is a Being of Light, and yes some of them are your direct creations for different learning experiences. But I would would suggest seeing them all as Beings of Light, of Infinite Love. And their only thoughts that are true, are Loving. And Your only thoughts that are True are Loving. So you can see how this frees you from the opinions of others, what other people are thinking.
Which is a big thing that you are here to overcome, for yourself, for your family, and for all of humanity and thus all of the galaxy and all of the Universe. Because when you really think about it, everything is you and everything is Love, everything is responding to your vibration, your frequency. And so if you go through the world thinking everyone is Love, which they are, and their only thoughts that are True, are Loving, Wow, you are going to live in a beautiful, beautiful place. What you call Heaven on Earth. But if you go around thinking people are out to get you, creating all of these stories, life will be a very scary place indeed. And as you know the fear is nothing, and so when you pull that fearful filter off and see the truth of the reality, everything Love, and the only things that are True are Love, are Loving, you let go all that is nothing, which is all fearful thoughts, ideas, words, you let go of all of that and you realize what a wonderful world that it is.
And with this new perception it also makes it easier to forgive yourself for past perceptions, to forgive all Beings of Light that co-created scary experiences for you, which you were the master creator behind anyway, and they just agreed to play their part. And so, as you reinforce your new perception with words, it would be wise to reinforce the visions in your mind as you are a very visual individual. Think of something beautiful, something fun, and something that is high vibrational in nature and or what brings you joy.
Remember, Earth is what you create it. And if you are ready to live in the truth, it’s here for you always and always has been. It just involves releasing, letting go of the lower frequency perceptions, ideas, beliefs, thoughts, visions. And this is what you would call Heaven on Earth. The Earth with no fear. And that is the True nature of Earth, because fear is nothing, but a lie, a story, a manipulation, humanity has just gotten so caught up in it, but that’s all changing because of people like you. Who can see the reality as it is. Pure, loving, innocent, safe, with absolutely nothing that can harm you without your permission, without your consent.
So step into your new mind ~ white, sparkly, soothing blues and greens, beautiful purple, vibrant splashes of orange, yellow and red. Knowing all is you, All Is Love, All Is Innocent underneath it, because anything anyone did under fear is nothing, the illusions cancel themselves out. And you can finally see the beauty, the magic, the joys and delights that were here waiting for you all along. And the longer you hold this perspective the longer is sinks in, the more you utilize this perspective in situations in daily life, the deeper it sinks in, no matter what happens as you hold this new perspective the deeper still it will sink in.
Until one day, the world of fear will be forgotten entirely and you will not even know how anyone could see with that perspective. Trust your helpers, trust your guides, trust all of your non-physical friends, animal friends, everyone and everything is on your side, it is you. Nothing in this reality wants to hurt you. Recognize that your safety and security come from within, recognize your wealth and your health come from within, recognize your happiness your joy your peace comes from within. And your outside will be so beautiful, it will be what you came here to experience, what you came here to show others what was possible, what you came here to do. And if others do not get it, it doesn’t matter, only Loving thoughts are True, and every being of Light, every Being of infinite love is at the exact perfect spot on their path. All you need to do is exist, all you need to do is be yourself, all you need to do is live your truth; and you will be fulfilling every part of your mission on this planet.