Nature ///

Hydrangea – Galactic Chakra

Vibrational art to enhance spiritual gifts and healing. Very auspicious this came through during Lion's Gate 2024!

I was in awe when I saw these flowers, beautiful natural gradients of pinks, purples and blues. They stopped me in my tracks!

After I intuited the geometry, I felt energy coming into my crown chakra but knew it was coming from one of the higher chakras. Intuitively I felt it was the Galactic Chakra but have still been working on my sensitivity to these higher chakras, so I channeled to verify and it was the Galactic Chakra! This increased my confidence and gave me inspiration to tune in energetically to these higher centers more often.

I notice when I tune into the higher energy centers it feels like (to me) the higher they go the wider and more intense the energy feels in my crown. What is neat about the Galactic Chakra is it has this sparkly feeling, or that is the best way I can describe it in words 😅✨ *new note* – another way to describe it would be a light and comfortable pulsating feeling (kind of like the third eye feeling, but in the crown).

When I think of effects of the Galactic Chakra two main things come up; enhanced spiritual gifts and enhanced healing on all levels. This can also be thought of as becoming more of our True Self; which is already fully healed and whole, and already has full access to all what we on Earth call spiritual gifts. So it really is showing us more of who we really are, which assists us in letting go of what no longer serves us.

It is a beautiful synchronicity that this art has come through as the Lion’s Gate (8-8) Portal is open 🦁 The Portal is open July 29 to Aug 12th with max on the 8th, the 8-8, and this year being 2024 makes it 8-8-8! Very auspicious as Lion’s Gate is a Galaxy wide event that assists us in connecting with our Galactic friends and families! 💫

To utilize this art: stare at the center and visualize a sparkly white orb with pink and orange in the center about 4.5 ft above your head. You can set the intention to feel the energy. This art works anytime, in anyplace. The more you practice getting in tune with your Galactic Chakra the more you will feel it and benefit from it 🙌

If you would like the Hydrangea Galactic Chakra Activation Art in your home or for a loved one I have made it available in my Art Shop as a Canvas Print, 500pc Puzzle and Pillow. I really appreciate the support! Thank you thank you thank you 🙏

Support me on my Journey – Donate Love Money or visit My Art Shop

*Important* Thank you to those who wish to share any image or message for personal & not-for-profit use only; respecting copyright, and not altering the vibrational imprint of the image or message. Credit to Chelsea Sawatzky and include website link. Easy share buttons below!

Communication with Nature /// Telepathic connection with the essence of rocks, minerals, plants, animals, water. Another aspect of our Self, of Gaia, that some call Devas or Elementals. Everything is energy, everything is consciousness. I adore the natural world; balanced, harmonious, and always following the path of least resistance.

Tree Seed

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