Channeled from a member of my Soul Family – who lives a physical life on a water planet in another star system of this Universe.
I can sense it is a beautiful day on your planet, sunshine, blue sky, a light breeze, animals frolicking, plants content. And what it is that you want to do? You have some ideas, but are just going with what is a full yes. And this is a good way to go. To think of what you may do and then think of how it feels in that now moment. Not thinking about how it feels in the future, of course you can do that for manifestation/creation etc. In terms of what you’re doing today you can feel what something feels like before you do it, and then you know what would be the best option for you here and now.
And it really is best to practice this just in every moment, not sitting there in the morning and thinking of all the things for the day and how they each feel. No, just start with the one thing next, and feel how that feels. If it feels good, go for that, if not, think of something else and feel how that feels, and if not, and again, think of something else and feel how that feels. And quite often you’ll notice the first or second thing you think of is what is feeling good, and if you’re really tuned into your intuition the first thing that you think of will always be the thing that feels the best to do. And in this way you will also gain confidence in your intuition.
It really is coming back to your heart, coming back to your feelings, and letting go of the idea to be in your mind 100% of the time. In fact, that (Eckhart Tolle) quote you read the other day is so wise, to never be 100% in the mind, or 100% on the outside world, always at least have some of your awareness on your feelings, on your inside world. And doing so you are performing the merging of the physical and non-physical. And with your thoughts, you always want to be aware with how a thought feels and so it is so important for one as they are thinking to be also in the body, in the heart. Also in this way, thoughts that are not serving you don’t run away and gain momentum, but you can catch it sooner. And if you’re feeling a thought that feels good you can elaborate on it and make it grow.
Feeling is really the key to mastering your energy and your vibration. It will assist you in mastering your thoughts as well, and it will also assist you in mastering your focus. So it would make sense to practice having your awareness at all times, at least some of your awareness in your heart, feeling the reality. And you don’t have to feel everything, if something doesn’t feel good to you pivot to something does feel good. Sometimes you can use a thought to make something that doesn’t feel good, feel good, and sometimes it is just better to shift your attention elsewhere. And that is for you to learn. And I know you will, you are learning very quickly. Or I should say remembering very quickly, for what you are going through is more of an un-learning than a learning, but it feels like learning, so what a magical world that it is {laughter}.
We are always so happy to help one another. Other parts of our soul, and of course all other souls. As we have a deep understanding and knowing and feeling that we are all one. We are all one Being. So it only makes sense to work together, cooperate, live in harmony. And that is the path that Earth is on as well.
By staying in your heart more, by having more awareness in your body, you will also overcome the echos of old patterns much easier. You can see when you truly investigate them, that they were all based on fear (which depends on one seeing themself as a victim rather than the Creator that they truly are) and a misunderstanding of how reality works. When you re-wire your human brain with the laws of the Universe, as you are doing, your life will become infinitely easier still and much more enjoyable.
Also know that now you are writing your movie, for your version of Heaven on Earth. It is no longer thinking of the worst so you can scratch it out and replace it with the best, that’s all part of the process but you’re coming to the place where you can just focus on the positive. (Seeing an image where the vibration dips and then goes back up when thinking catastrophic thoughts and then a better thought afterwards.. can maintain a much higher vibration by staying in the positive). And you can call it whatever you like, you can call it your Dreamland, Your Earth, because it is.
When you think of it as your personal Earth it sure does feel a lot less scary, and it sure does feel a lot more exciting, a lot more fun. Look on all the humans of your Earth with Love and know that if they are on Your Earth it is for a reason. Look on all the animals on your Earth with love and recognize they are all there for a reason. Look on all the plants on your Earth with love, realizing that they too are all there for a reason. Look on the minerals, the water, the air with love, knowing that it is all your Earth and it is all a part of you, it is all you.
Have fun on Your Earth. Have fun creating more and more beautiful experiences, knowing that it is Your Earth. And on Your Earth, only positive things can happen to you. I very much look forward to seeing the beautiful Earth that you create, one that is free of fear, one that is all Love, all Loving, harmonious, joyful. It is yours to create. Have fun with it and feel gratitude for all of your co-creators, all of the Beings of Light that are playing human characters that will assist you in making Your Earth the best possible experience that it could be for you. Expect more magic and miracles as you continue to grow, evolve and expand. Trust the journey, trust in Divine perfect timing. Jump into the flow and enjoy the ride.
With unconditional love,