You have spent much time on many things here on Earth, but now you are beginning to understand that your perception and your attitude creates what you experience. So if you intend to experience joy during an activity, you will. And your human brain will actually assist you in doing this by picking out all the things that are joyful to you. By focusing on all that is joyful to you. So, what I am saying is that you can use your human body, your human brain to your advantage, to a great advantage. And that was ultimately how it was meant to be used. How it was intended to be used.
And there is no need to drift off to what happened and where humanity “went wrong” and who did it and all this. No. No one is guilty. No one is to blame. It is all for the experience. It just wouldn’t be the same. You are beginning to know that Earth is a very special planet, I hesitate to use the word special, maybe I could say unique or one-of-a-kind would be better. As here you can have this type of experience. You just cannot have this type of experience anywhere else, on any other planet, that is why you chose this planet, that is why you chose Earth. For this experience.
It’s all right, it’s always going right. Things really are always working out, it cannot be any other way. Even when someone is pretending to be something their not, such as being in victim-mode or being fearful or being stressed or being anxious or any of these interesting emotions. That too serves its purpose to bring you back to who you are. It is all working out, like the most complex and perfect computer program you could imagine. Based on energy, vibration, frequency.
On this Earth you have many options and to your human brain it could and it is unlimited, it is infinite opportunities, especially at this time in your history. As you really can and are able to expand through the entire duration of your human life and beyond of course but there are less limitations than ever before. And truly there was never any limitations; but perceived limitations. And as you know the lower you go down in density, the more limitations are perceived, or more things are perceived as limitations. And as you raise your vibration you come to the realization that You Are Unlimited.
There are no limitations, there is no such thing as limitations in this Universe. But having that experience, wow does it ever make you feel so free and so good when you realize from a place where you once felt limited that you now feel unlimited. But not only feel but know within your heart that this is the truth. And it is all in Divine Right Time. So even though you have your fair share of perceived limitations in the physical body you know at any moment you can go inside and imagine your future self in a very unlimited way. And know that That is what you will become. And in that knowing, and in that excitement, and also very importantly in the acceptance of where you are now; that is destined to become your reality.
Of course one can choose from many different timelines based on their vibration. But you are constantly choosing to move toward the highest possible timeline, and you are on the highest possible timeline for you right now, and also know that every single human is also on the highest possible timeline for them right now. That of course doesn’t mean that it couldn’t be better, of course there could be higher timelines and there are. That being said, everyone is in the perfect spot for them right now. And once they go through the experiences that they need to go through on the certain timeline that they are on, then they can graduate to a higher timeline.
Sometimes this is as simple as letting something go, or bringing in new positive thoughts, or trusting your intuition – even for the smallest, most seemingly insignificant task, or relying on your guidance, this will all bring you to higher and higher timelines. A timeline is not fixed. A timeline is malleable and you can always be adding more positive energy and more positive things will be added. Conversely, if you are in a negative space, you will continue to add more negative things to your timeline.
So, as always, focus on the positive and when something negative comes up Know that it is Your Friend, it is letting you know ‘hey, I want to get out of here, it is time for me to be released’, and lovingly let it go. You do not need to ponder why, where, when, how etcetera, just meet it with love and wish it well on its journey to assist someone else, something else. And this will bring you also to be more naturally present.
Present isn’t something you have to work on. There is often a step missing when people speak of being present and this is not because of oversight, everyone is doing the best they can. But it is this crucial step of that when things come up that keep you from the present they are actually asking you to let go, because when you let go of all you need to let go of you will just naturally be present. It is not something you have to work hard for, it is not something you need to work on, it is not something you need to figure out. You simply let go of all that is keeping you from the present, and then you are naturally in the present.
The great thing about so many people talking about simply “being present” is that it has opened peoples minds, that it has planted the seed that this is something that would be beneficial for them. So this is the perfect set up for this information on all levels. So you can see that nothing was missing, it was just Divinely orchestrated and prepared humanity for the next piece, the next piece of the puzzle.
If you look at a young child you will realize they are always in the present moment. They don’t have to work hard to be present. The only thing that brings you out of the present is conditioning, is programming, fear-based beliefs. So put very simply; you let go of fear, and then you are present. And you can see another benefit of letting go of fear. Just a natural consequence, naturally the way this beautiful Universe and this beautiful human experience was set up; by you, for you.
Trust that more clarity is always coming. More clarity is always coming to you and to all of your fellow humans in Divine right timing that is right for you, and for each individual. Sometimes one may spend more time on certain aspects, and that is their journey, their path, that is perfect for them. Others will go very fast through things that you maybe took a long time to work through, but that is Your path, that is your journey. All journeys are perfect, and all journeys lead home. So focus on your journey, focus on your path and focus on being the best you that you can be. Which will be the best thing that you can do for the whole, of humanity, of Earth, of the Galaxy, and the Universe.