Nature ///

Bee Spirit Animal

Bee reminds us of the power of our focus, our importance to the whole, and to Bee the anomaly of what no one else thought possible!

As I was packing up my trunk I noticed a giant bumblebee climbing around my bag! It was so fuzzy and adorable but definitely the biggest bee I have ever had in my vehicle! At that very moment a man pulling his kids in a little buggy walked by and said Hi and we had a fun little conversation. As soon as I put my attention back to “freeing the bee” I couldn’t find it and realized it had left on its own accord. Thank you sweet friend! 🐝

I could really feel the bee was a messenger and so intentionally kept the bee in my mind so I would remember to look it up when I got home. When I did, 3 major things popped up for me.

The first being the laser-like focus of the bee, identifying flowers ready to harvest. As humans we are often unaware of how powerful our focus really is. Our internal focus is what creates what we experience in our daily life (happy thoughts lead to good feelings which leads to more good feeling things appearing in our reality), it adds energy to our timeline & the timeline of the collective we are aligned to (whether we choose to add negativity or positivity, that is up to us), and is a way to re-wire the brain for expansion (i.e. focus on what I am grateful for, focus on what brings me joy). Our focus is a powerful tool for manifestation and draws towards us whatever we are focused upon. Also if we are focused on something in the physical reality our brain will literally scan the environment to find more of that; i.e. I started picking berries and now I see berries everywhere!

The second thing that came up for me is how important the bee’s job of pollinating flowers really is. Despite the small size of the bee, its importance to the progression of all flowering plant species is huge, not only within the same species but even creating new species by cross pollination! Thanks to bees, new seeds are created and genetics are continued year after year. As humans we often feel small and do not realize the impact we are having at an energetic level.. which is massive especially if we are consciously working to raise our vibration (or more accurately, letting go of all that is lowering us from our natural core vibration). Regardless of the vibration however, all humans are having a positive impact on the whole or else they would not exist; and the villains are often the biggest heroes as they assist in waking us up, showing us what we need to let go of, and inspiring us to unite for a better humanity to name just a few. We really are all in it together, regardless of the role one is playing in the play called Earth.

Lastly, the bee is a total anomaly. Due to its size and weight it should not be able to fly.. yet it does, and very well! And so, the bee is a symbol to have faith and trust in your dreams coming to fruition, no matter how big they may seem to you. Bee reminds us that the impossible Is possible.

I Beelieve in You 🥰💛

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*Important* Thank you to those who wish to share any image or message for personal & not-for-profit use only; respecting copyright, and not altering the vibrational imprint of the image or message. Credit to Chelsea Sawatzky and include website link. Easy share buttons below!

Communication with Nature /// Telepathic connection with the essence of rocks, minerals, plants, animals, water. Another aspect of our Self, of Gaia, that some call Devas or Elementals. Everything is energy, everything is consciousness. I adore the natural world; balanced, harmonious, and always following the path of least resistance.

Tree Seed

A giant cedar tree lovingly shared this analogy to assist me in shifting my perspective. So empowering!

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