Nature ///

Grasshopper Spirit Animal

Grasshopper reminds us we are naturally prosperous, multi-dimensional beings and to keep moving forward!

As I was relaxing outside I kept hearing this whirring noise. I turned over onto my belly and a Grasshopper landed right in front of my nose! That’s what that sound is from! haha my curiosity was peaked and I felt it had a special message for me in that moment.

When I got home I was searching for ‘seeing a grasshopper meaning’ but didn’t really find anything that quenched my thirst of understanding why I had received that message on that day. I decided to go within my heart center and channel to determine the real truth for me. I thought it would be my Higher Self but Faerie energy came through!

Channeled from Faerie energy:

Prosperity. This is not something to be attained like you and so many other humans view it. This is something that you already Are it is something that you already Have. It is just a reminder that you Are naturally prosperous. Money is energy and you are energy. And you will attract whatever you require in the moment. The green color of the grasshopper reminds you of the green color of the energy of money. Trust us, you’ll always have more than enough.

The grasshopper carried another message. As it lept into the sky it flew higher and higher and higher. It reminds you that you do not just dwell on land you are a multi-dimensional Be-ing. You have access to the higher realms at All times. And all the other Beings their are other aspects of You. And they lovingly share what they could see what would be best for you now. It is a reminder that you are free, you are unlimited. You may walk around on land, but you can fly very high (laughter), most often when you are sleeping (laughter) but you know this is possible in meditation and other states as well. It is a reminder that you are both physical and non-physical, not one or the other but both. On land and in sky, Both, integrate them both, like the grasshopper, and have much more fun!

The third message from the grasshopper for you now is to keep going, is to keep moving forward. When you are in your human perspective and you have been programmed to think the future is only grim and bleak and doom and gloom, this does not seem very exciting. But we can share with you and we promise you that it is only getting better and better and better. It is all on an upward trajectory. It is always getting better. And now that you are consciously on the journey of ascension, you will be able to see this truth in a much easier (and more tangible) way than someone who is unconscious on their journey, who is also always improving but they may not see it that way from their level of consciousness.

We love you very much. With joy!

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*Important* Thank you to those who wish to share any image or message for personal & not-for-profit use only; respecting copyright, and not altering the vibrational imprint of the image or message. Credit to Chelsea Sawatzky and include website link. Easy share buttons below!

Communication with Nature /// Telepathic connection with the essence of rocks, minerals, plants, animals, water. Another aspect of our Self, of Gaia, that some call Devas or Elementals. Everything is energy, everything is consciousness. I adore the natural world; balanced, harmonious, and always following the path of least resistance.

Tree Seed

A giant cedar tree lovingly shared this analogy to assist me in shifting my perspective. So empowering!

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