Nature ///

Blueblossom – Zeal Point Chakra

Allow Blueblossom to activate your Zeal Point chakra and assist in your ascension journey from 4D to 5D and beyond.

As I intuited the geometry for this one I really felt it working on my Zeal Point. This chakra is located in the physical body at the back of the neck, right where the spine reaches the skull. I do also sometimes feel it through to my upper lip in the front, but mostly in the back. I see this chakra as two colors marbled together, dark pink-purple and darker blue; although many online see it as one color of magenta.

Fun fact: the spirit enters the body through the Zeal Point!

I first learned about this chakra as an exit point for old energies stored in the head and neck area from Christy and the Council. It has assisted me SO much on my journey. It is a 5D chakra but helps us in 4D as providing this “release valve” for thoughts, mental images, etc that no longer serve us. When I catch myself lost in thought Ill say “I release all thoughts” and feel them exit that back of the neck area. Ah it feels so good. Clean and clear.

In 5D it’s main purpose is to allow our spirit to express itself through our physical body, our voice; True Self expression! It acts as a harmonizer of our physical and ethereal bodies. And also allows more of our innate spiritual gifts to be realized.

The Zeal Point is a very important chakra for humanity’s ascension journey! By providing a release point in 4D and embodying our Higher Self in 5D.

If you would like this unique Chakra Activation Art in your home or for a loved one I have made it available in my Art Shop as a Canvas Print, 500pc Puzzle and Pillow. I really appreciate the support! Thank you thank you thank you

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*Important* Thank you to those who wish to share any image or message for personal & not-for-profit use only; respecting copyright, and not altering the vibrational imprint of the image or message. Credit to Chelsea Sawatzky and include website link. Easy share buttons below!

Communication with Nature /// Telepathic connection with the essence of rocks, minerals, plants, animals, water. Another aspect of our Self, of Gaia, that some call Devas or Elementals. Everything is energy, everything is consciousness. I adore the natural world; balanced, harmonious, and always following the path of least resistance.