Shortly after my awakening I started noticing birds in a big way. I really do love them all but none fill my heart with glee like the little Hummingbird! When I first looked up its spiritual meaning I came across ~ “challenging times are over and now healing can begin”. This resonated so strongly then and still to this day as they often appear to me when I’m having a tough time and need some cheering up.
I felt this was so pertinent for today as even here in Canada I really felt the collective anxiety around the US election. Today feels like the calm after the storm. Now is time to heal. As many spiritual teachers share, “what we resist, persists”. And during this election I was finally able to let go of my resistance to the politics, the parties and the candidates.. ahh, it is truly freeing when nothing outside of you can change the way you feel inside. When we fight against something (externally or internally) we keep it there in our reality, when we allow and let go of the resistance is when things can energetically shift to something that we would prefer.
And I must share; when I see a Hummingbird I get so excited, no matter where I am or what I am doing the joy comes out! Sweet little peas!!
What came up for me today, and upon reflection every time I see a Hummingbird, is that I feel a renewed sense of optimism. Things are going to be ok. Everything happens in the greatest and highest good of all, always. And so, we can rest assured that no matter how it looks from our human perspective, the best case scenario is unfolding before our eyes. And when it is most difficult to see that, it indicates it is the most for our ultimate benefit. An opportunity for growth. Expansion.
Let go of resistance, judgement, and fear; and watch your outer world transform. No matter who is doing what. And Realize that You have All the Power in Your Reality. And that power is Love.