Channeled from a 12D Sirian Light Being (nonphysical) from Sirius B
Hello, it is nice to speak again. Although we are communicating all the time on a vibrational and energetic level. This also as you are coming to know happens on a multi-dimensional level. A higher aspect of you could be speaking to another higher aspect of another human being or a star being or a nonphysical being. We are always in communication for we are all connected. We are all vibrating regardless of which dimension we may call our reality, or our home; for we exist in all of them.
Why is it so important to relax, to have fun? In the relaxing you notice things that you would not notice in a distracted state. You are able to notice thoughts more easily and therefore identify the beliefs from which they stem from giving you much greater awareness of what it may be time to release, to let go of. And when you are having fun, you are feeling good, and when you are feeling good you are in alignment with your Divine Self, what you call your Higher Self.
So you can see to relax and have fun is a key component of your ascension journey, of your journey, and of all humans journeys. All journeys are perfect, all will come to these conclusions when the timing is right for them. The best you can do is do you. And even if you do not verbalize realizations you have, progress you’ve made on your journey, it is felt vibrationally, maybe not by the human to whom you are speaking but by another aspect of their multidimensional being.
So this relieves you of this idea that you need to be sharing with anyone and everyone that comes across your path, because you are sharing on another level, you do not have to share with words. Use your intuition and trust in your Guidance to know, to feel, whom it is best to approach and whom it is best to share what with. And in general, share love, be love, be joy, to be yourself is to be an example, and that is all that is required of you.
Of course I know you love to share and publish your realizations and findings and that is a beautiful thing, but what I am saying is you do not need to share this verbally to people in your life who are just not at that level of understanding yet. But remember there is a part of them that is. And remember that you were once where they were, and using that information you will know best how to communicate. Kind, loving, encouraging, respectful; when you act in these ways they will be mirrored back to you in many beautiful ways.
It is quite the journey you are on. And I am excited to be with you. We are all in it together.