Channeled from a 5D Light Being (nonphysical) ~ I met this Being near a lookout point on a hiking trail here in the Pacific Northwest and could feel strongly the Shamanic energy, the energy of one who lived a life on Earth in the past, in a very different time, one where the people were deeply connected to the land and to spirit; one who loves Mother Earth so much they remain here to assist her. I call them the ‘Beautiful Shaman’ as they carry a beautiful blend of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies. I am deeply honored to call them a friend.
This is the beautiful Shaman. Keeper of the land. You did not expect me to come through (laughter).
Relax and know we are all in this together. Relax and know that you only attract which you vibrate in harmony with. Relax and know that all that your core essence is drawing towards you is for your benefit; whether that is a learning opportunity, or an expansion of joy and love. It is all for you.
You are realizing this journey is much more beautiful and wonderful than you had been programmed to believe. And that is the life path that you have chosen. Be thankful for all of your past experiences that brought you to this place so that now you may bloom like a beautiful flower. To take in the rays of the sun, the water of the Earth. And to share your information, your pollen.
Know that pollinators are all around you, ones in the Higher Realms, assisting you on your journey. Your pollen spreading through the quantum field, and landing on all who are a match for it. Nature has so many beautiful analogies. For so much that humans encounter, so much that is a part of human life. Nature is pure, nature is all unconditional love. Listen to the nature, observe the nature, and what comes into your awareness as you listen and observe. For it may surprise you and delight you in magical and magnificent ways.
For humans are the nature. Humans are the Earth, just as a flower or a tree, a squirrel or a bird. Another piece of the puzzle. Pay attention to the colors in nature and what they represent, frequency, listen to your inner knowing, your intuition. And pay attention to the patterns within nature, in your life, to understand more about who you are and where you are going, where you are headed toward. And ensure the patterns you are operating are heading you towards your most desired outcome.
This of course includes thoughts, beliefs, stories that you may tell yourself and others. And as one is becoming more self aware you will notice these stories, maybe not in your own mind, but when you speak to others you will see what is inside of you. In this awareness you can choose to let it go or to let it stay, to nourish it or to starve it. Nourish what makes you feel good, nourish those thoughts, nourish your positive intentions, nourish your trust, nourish your faith, nourish your Self.
The more you nourish yourself, the more you will be able to nourish others. Listen to the dance of the energies and stay open to receive them. Dance in your flow. Enjoy all there is now with excitement for all that is on its way to you.