Channeling ///

Sirian Energy // Your Center

Freedom, peace, love; it's all within you. Within your heart. Within your center.

Channeled from a 12D Sirian Light Being (nonphysical) from Sirius B

Bring your awareness down into you heart, into your center. A magical place, a wonderful place, a place of peace, of love, connection, energy. The more you discover about your heart portal, the less you will desire to be in your head. You have consciously chosen to be heart-centered. And so trust that you are. For everyone is heart-centered, whether they choose to place their awareness in their heart or not.

There are many benefits to living from the heart. You are in full access to your Higher Self, your Higher mind. You Are Feeling the reality which lets you know when to go, when to stop, when to pivot, when to let go. And from this space you live the characteristics of your Higher Self in the physical reality. Such as not having any fear, not having worries, no stress, trust in the process, faith in your journey, and a knowing that everything will always work out right.

Earth and humanity is moving towards the heart, to live from the heart. As more and more humans choose this, to live from their center, they realize how much more peaceful and joyful and blissful life can be. This is noticed by others and they too gravitate towards this joy. They too wish to feel the peace as all humans desire to feel good, to be happy. And what is this? This is alignment with their True Self, their Higher Self, their center.

From this centered place you know everything happens for your benefit, regardless of how it may look or seem on a human level or regardless of what you have heard from other humans based on their perspective. For the perspective from the heart always sees the perfection in every one’s journey. When you are centered it is very easy to trust the journey, to trust in life, for from this place you can feel into your timelines and you just have a knowing that everything will all work out in the best way possible for you and all others.

It is from this heart-centered place where your focus becomes internal, as from the heart you realize the external is all just perfect as it is and so it becomes much easier to accept it as it is. You let all the other human beings off the hook because from the heart there are no stories, from the heart, there is truth and there is love. And when you live from this spot you can live from this higher perspective all the time. This is peace, this is unity, for from the heart you see how all are connected, the cause and effects, the law of attraction.

And when you are triggered and you come back to the heart it becomes very clear and obvious why you attracted that person or situation into your life to learn something for your benefit. To bring in more self love or to let go of fear. And self love is not just the love of the individual self, self love is love that spreads to the whole for it is from a place of acceptance and love of ones self in all ways that they can truly love all others in all ways.

It is not necessarily something to sit there and work on (self love) as you will naturally attract the people and situations to make you aware of what you need to let go or what you need to love within yourself. When you are heart-centered, when you are aligned with your Higher Self, you naturally love your self and all others without conditions, for it is here that you are aligned with the Divine.

There is nothing wrong with anyones desires on planet Earth. As it is bringing them closer to their True Self. You can see in your own life, a lot of desires you had in a lower vibrational state, once you lived it out so-to-speak, you realized it wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be, it wasn’t the amazing thing that you had created in your mind. But it freed you from that; and in freeing yourself from all of those lower desires you evolved.

And as you freed yourself from those desires, your desires changed and evolved with you. And this is a very natural process. What is difficult for us to see is when a human has a desire but does not seek to express it, for then they can never move forward in that aspect, of course they can they will be moving forward in other areas but you are a unique example of one that truly lived all of your desires. And that is why you reached what humans call the “dark night of the soul” where you realized all those things you thought would make you happy never did in the way that you expected them to. You realized you had lived all your desires and now what?

Now it is time to truly live. For you went from desires of instant gratification and looking good on the outside, these very three dimension desires; to fourth dimensional desires of healing, of being secure, safe, learning to love yourself; until you reached the fifth dimension desire that you simply just desire to be your Higher Self. As you know that when you are in that space everything will always turn out well for you. Everything will be easy, effortless, joyful, peaceful, you know that you are always taken care of by your core vibration and that you have so many loving friends and helpers all around you, in the day and in the night, that are excited to assist you and get to know you better. Love them. Love yourself. Love all others. Love is freedom.

I love you very much, have a beautiful day.

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Channeled Messages /// These messages are channeled by placing my attention and focus on an energy I am Guided towards. In this state I receive energy and translate it into words moment by moment. I ask permission of who I channeled before posting the message. Love and Gratitude beyond words for these insights and co-creations!