Channeling ///

Archangel Christiel // The Path of Joy

"You can choose the path of joy, the path that feels best to you."

I am pleased to be with you again. I am pleased that more and more humans are reaching out to higher aspects of them Self for assistance. As we really are all in this together. And just as how you feel when someone asks for your advice on something, you get excited, you feel good about it and you are happy to share; and that is how all of us feel as well.

And what we share from the higher realms is not simply our opinion on the matter but we can read you and every other human energetically and so in this way we know what it is that you are really asking for. As sometimes the mind thinks it wants one thing but really the being could most benefit from another thing. And this is something you know from you life and what many more will begin to realize.

That sometimes you think something would be so great for you but really maybe there is something that is even a better fit for you or a way that you can become more of who you are. So this is another reason why it is so important to pay attention to your feelings, your emotions, as your feelings are bypassing the mind. Of course as you think a thought, you produce a corresponding emotion which will lead to a certain feeling as well.

That being said, when you start to pay attention to how you feel and use that as your guiding light instead of your logical mind, this is when this whole new world of energy will really open up for you because you will naturally be drawn to whatever Is best for you and it will be easier to feel if something is maybe not the right timing, or maybe it is just something to get excited about that is coming at another time, or maybe you realize that it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be for you and at that time you can release it.

So as humanity evolves, all of you will become much more focused on energy. And feeling the energy, feeling the other person, the situation, and not from a judgemental point of view, but feeling it as a way to assist your Self in guiding you through the situation. So what do I mean by this, is the feeling of being drawn towards whatever you are being drawn towards and to follow that. I would not think of a feeling as being repellent in any real way and I would suggest that if you feel that way that is most likely a fear or a limited belief or a program.

When you feel you want to go towards what is feeling the best, the most exciting, the most fun, there will be a lot of other things but rather than feeling repelled by them you may just feel ‘I can send love to that one or that energetic situation’ but I am drawn towards this other thing that just makes me feel so good and so excited. So you can see there is a very big difference there. You are not using your feelings to judge others and to judge situations, you are using them as a guiding light, as a compass, as an internal compass for what to move towards.

And to know that when you embody your Higher Self nothing will feel like it is repelling or negative in some way because you will feel everything as it is your Self. And so everything that feels like it is further away from love you will just automatically desire to send it more love, it won’t be triggering, it won’t be a big deal. And as you know when You go into Your Higher Self mode of viewing things you see the truth of everyone as they are and there is no real reason to be focused on another as they have their Higher Self, they have their entire team of nonphysical Guides and they are at the perfect spot on their path for them, so they can positively impact as many people as they can; and so you really realize that the journey isn’t about anyone else.

This is a journey about remembering who You are. This is Your journey. And yes there are many things that many on Earth find distracting and we have compassion for that of course, and have compassion for yourself when you become distracted or drawn in in that kind of way. But you can always come back to that Higher Self perspective that everyone else, they’re all good, they are all on their path, everything is going well, is always the best case scenario for every single other being on this planet so there is nothing to worry about, there is nothing to be concerned about.

What is your focus, is moving towards what brings you the most joy. What is making you happy, what makes you feel good. This focus will do so much, like a flower it will open so much beauty in your life. As in that state of feeling of course more things will come into your reality to keep you feeling good when you’re in that vibration of feeling good. And you will also learn about yourself in a joyful way. A lot of times on the human journey you learn about yourself in these very difficult ways, through crisis, through trauma, through disappointment, through hurts, pain and suffering. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can learn about yourself through joy, peace, harmony, bliss, and so that is what I would suggest. You don’t need a crisis to get you to the next point. And where you are now as an awakened one you can now choose how you wish to move forward. And so, you can choose the path of joy, the path that feels best to you. And that path will not only get you where you want to go much quicker, but it will be much easier, much more effortless and way more fun. And in doing so you will also have the greatest positive impact you could possibly make on the whole.

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Channeled Messages /// These messages are channeled by placing my attention and focus on an energy I am Guided towards. In this state I receive energy and translate it into words moment by moment. I ask permission of who I channeled before posting the message. Love and Gratitude beyond words for these insights and co-creations!