‘Beautiful Shaman’ is the name I gave to a 5D Light Being who I met that I felt a strong shamanic energy around. I know them as a ‘Keeper of the Land’ here in the Pacific Northwest.
Hello. It is the beautiful shaman. I am with you once again, happy to be a part of your crew. And thank you for giving me a voice in this day and age in which you may call the modern age of Earth. Of course I was around walking this planet in a much different in some ways, but a much similar time in other ways.
We didn’t have the fancy computers and technology that you have but we were very attuned to our inner technology, which you are becoming moreso every day. Your inner guidance system, the guidance you receive from animals, from plants, from rocks, from water, from wind, Mother Earth, Mother Nature. Her wisdom is infinite. To be in tune with your intuition, aligned to the truth of who you are.
And doing what feels best for you; as each human really is a puzzle piece of the Earth. And when each one performs their role as best they can the whole works seamlessly, smoother than you could imagine, just like nature. Where all the animals, plants, minerals, water, wind, fire; it all has its place and it all works together in the appropriate times. And the result is a healthy, thriving ecosystem.
Another example you’re familiar with is seeing each human as representative of a cell in the body where every cell in the body is doing what is its original Divine design, the body will be in perfect health. This is why you want the best for every human on your planet. You want the Earth to be operating at its full potential, harmoniously. And in doing so, there is so much energy that is freed up to expand.
As you know in your physical body, when you get sick it takes a lot of energy to heal and to recover. And even if you’re dealing with a mental strain, this takes a lot of energy. So how would I suggest moving forward to make Earth whole? Well, it is much more simple than you may think.
Imagine the Earth in perfect harmony, every single human performing their role, the Divine design for their life. Imagine every animal frolicking, blissful. Imagine every plant, tree, healthy and full. See the minerals on a microscopic level going into solution with the rain, with the wind, going into the soil to feed the plant, which feeds the animal, which feeds the humans.
For all on this planet are mineral and water. It is amazing to see the creations that came from mineral and water, rock and sea. And as you imagine this harmonious, whole Earth, where everyone is free to be them self. And in doing so everything that needs to get done, does get done. A world where everyone is doing what is most exciting for them. This is a joyful world. This is an abundant world. This is The World of Love.
Hold the vision. Hold the vision. Hold the vision.