Channeling ///

Pleiadian Energy // Always Safe

"Know that you are safe, you are always safe, you have always been safe and you will always be safe."

Channeled from a 7D Pleiadian Collective

As you move your awareness into your heart and you stay there for longer and longer and as you live from there, as you feel from there, the choices in your life will become much easier, much more Obvious to you. One will clearly stand out, if you say have 2-3 options and you feel each one, the more you commit to this practice, more more you choose this practice, the easier and more obvious it will become.

When you are in your heart, you are not only centered, but you are also balanced; balanced on the horizontal plane, giving and receiving, and also balanced on the vertical plane, (earth and cosmos). From this balanced place your mind when you do access it will be much clearer as it is not leaning to one side or the other, in the center, in balance, in the neutrality.

And if you do find yourself off-balance, relax, and feel grateful that you noticed this, feel grateful for the opportunity to grow, feel grateful for the situation or circumstance that put you off-balance. For it is in these moments that you become more of who you truly are. Your Higher Self is always in the center, always balanced, always looking on all things with unconditional love – which could be another way for saying neutrality to things. Or as you are picturing in your mind’s eye when you realize that everything you see outside of you is You, is Source, is God; it is much easier to love unconditionally. The Divine within the Divine, Creator within your own Creation.

And here from the center, from this place of balance your mind becomes your ally instead of your foe. For you maintain attention on your heart and one with attention on their heart at all times is truly how to “quiet the mind” as they say. It is putting your attention on feeling, on the truth of who you are as your Higher Self from that spot, as your Higher Self lives in your heart, also the center of your Soul Self, also a portal to everything and everyone.

It is with your attention on the center, on your True Self, your true essence, your true vibration; which in fact raises the vibration, the frequency of your physical body, as close as it can be to your essence. In doing so of course your brain is rising along with it and so it also becomes easier to recognize which beliefs specifically are rooted in fear and that no longer serve you, making it easier and more obvious to release, to let go. Also making it more obvious which thoughts are coming from fear, which is where you can trace the thought back to the belief.

As you live from your heart your joy will expand, your love will expand, you will experience nature on deeper and deeper levels – the nature around you, the nature of life, the nature of creation. And with your attention on your heart the signal from your essence will be ever stronger, drawing to you what you need before you need it, things to delight you that you couldn’t have even thought of with the human mind. This truly is the realm of magic and miracles, available to Every single human on planet Earth. All it requires is one simple choice – to choose to live from the heart.

And with all choices they begin a journey to knowing yourself more fully as who you truly are, this is All choices, not just what one would deem “well and good”; every single choice a human could make across 3D, 4D, 5D will bring them closer to the truth of who they are one way or another. All paths lead home to Source.

In wholeness you can recognize that we are another aspect of yourself. We are not different, we are not separate. We are another aspect of you at another level of consciousness. We Are you, you Are us. And so when you see someone who is as they call on your planet in the ‘trance channeling’ state it is not that some different being has come into their body, it is an aspect of themself expressing through their body, and that is a beautiful thing.

And aspects of yourself can express through your body in infinite ways. Through ‘conscious channeling’ as we are now, through ‘automatic writing’, through art of every form, through speaking, through moving, through dance, through every facet of life it is possible. And as you open your heart, you open your self to all of these possibilities and life just gets so fun and magical and beautiful. You know that you are always safe. You know that you are always loved. And know that you are Always Accepted, Exactly as you Are, no matter what part or point of your journey you are at.

You are loved, you are safe, you are accepted; by Source, by God, which is everything and everyone as The Founders shared yesterday. And as you intuitively were putting together. You truly are unconditionally loved by All of creation. Know this, Feel this and whatever is dissonant to this – you know it is time to let go.

Be True to Yourself. Be Kind to Yourself. Love and Accept Yourself, as All of Creation Loves and Accepts You. And all of creation, being you, loving you, accepting you. Know that you are safe, you are always safe, you have always been safe and you will always be safe. It is only when one desires the experience of being unsafe is when their reality or that belief creates an experience for them to feel unsafe. Come back to the truth. You are ready. You are ready. You are ready.

We hold you in love, we hold in peace, we hold you in safety and well-being. And now it is time for you to do the same for yourself. And we know that you can do it.

Watch your vision improve, watch your body come into balance, watch your abundance flow in to you. Watch your world transform as You transform.

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*Important* Thank you to those who wish to share any image or message for personal & not-for-profit use only; respecting copyright, and not altering the vibrational imprint of the image or message. Credit to Chelsea Sawatzky and include website link. Easy share buttons below!

Channeled Messages /// These messages are channeled by placing my attention and focus on an energy I am Guided towards. In this state I receive energy and translate it into words moment by moment. I ask permission of who I channeled before posting the message. Love and Gratitude beyond words for these insights and co-creations!