Intro by Faerie energy: As you learn to relax more, to be in the present more, to let go of what no longer serves you; you will enjoy more. It’s like a self feedback loop.
~ felt Archangel energy here ~
You are making steadfast progress on your path. In fact, all humans are regardless of how it looks or seems. As this is the cosmic flow right now. And even if one is in resistance, they will find that getting stronger, until it finally dawns on them that it is time to let go. Everyone, every human moving along their path, which can be done joyfully in flow, or in struggle and resistance.
And all humans have experienced both ways and once you have experienced the struggle and resistance way enough you realize you don’t have to do it that way, that you can do it joyfully in the flow with trust and faith. A lot of the resistance is attempting to control a situation, attempting to create a very specific outcome, when maybe there is a much more beneficial outcome. So in resisting a situation, one is also resisting their best possible outcome. But of course, eventually, they will let go and move on. (as I transcribe I see that sometimes although the human moves on, they still may carry the energy of the event ~ so it is important to let go of the energy as well)
You are learning that the old saying “resistance is futile” is apt for this course. Not in the way that many interpret it, but in the energetic way. What does this mean? It means in resistance one is just making a task more difficult than it needed to be. As a free will species, humans can choose either way; to resist, or to let go and flow.
The one in resistance takes longer to get to certain marker points on their path as the resistance slows the journey up. There is nothing “wrong” with resistance there is nothing “bad” about it, this illustration is just to show you that when you are in flow you get to where you want to go much faster.
When the human realizes that all of these challenges and obstacles and hurdles were what they created in order to grow it becomes much easier to flow with all of the challenges of life. To be able to zoom out to a higher perspective, to a birds eye view, and understand and feel viscerally that it is All For You. You would never create a challenge if it didn’t assist you in some way.
Everything that happens in every single humans life was chosen, sometimes before birth, sometimes by a higher aspect of oneself, sometimes unconsciously or subconsciously; and always by the vibration. And in this way you can really see that there are no coincidences, everything happens due to vibration, or else it could not. As vibration is what is attracting other beings; humans, animals, nonphysical beings; situations, circumstances, experiences.
And so in knowing this you can truly relax and know that the only things that will cross your path will be those that correspond with your vibration (as I transcribe I get a message to follow you feelings here for the smoothest path for you). You have come to realize that, although of course you have your desires and your wants, you realize that your Higher Self, your essence, always knows what’s best for you. And you have realized that sometimes what you thought was best for you, maybe it wasn’t and maybe there was a better way.
And this is why surrendering is such a powerful tool for one in flow. As you may not even realize how joyful you could be at a certain circumstance, being or even material object coming into your life that maybe you wouldn’t even think of, but it was drawn to you by your essence, by your vibration. So this is why when you have a desire, when you have a want, always leave room for more. I want ____ or something better. I desire ____ or something better. Something better suited for me, something better than I could imagine. It serves you very well to keep that door open and to always know that you will receive what you want or something better than you could imagine, as long as you keep that door open.
For if you say ‘I want it this way, and this is the only way’, you are closing the door to something better. And trust us, there is always something better. Knowing this you can relax, knowing you don’t have to figure it out, you don’t have to determine everything, you can just flow; knowing what’s best for you is always on its way for you. Of course with your desires and your wants, but keeping that door open to something even better suited to you, something better than you could imagine. And in this way you will flow even faster on your path.
Do not be troubled if you find yourself in resistance. It is a challenge, it is a learning tool, it is an opportunity to become more of your True Self; and we know you will achieve it, we know you will move past it, as there really is no other way. Every path, as one moves along having experiences will set you up for the next experience and the next and the next. Trust your journey, trust your path, and above all, Trust Yourself.