Channeled from a 12D Sirian Light Being from Sirius B
It is with great delight that I am here with you again. Feel the sun in your face. Ah, to be alive. You are correct when you think that you will have many beautiful memories from this life as you move on to other lives or just pure existence in the nonphysical. You see, every incarnation gives you something. Sometimes it is one key, sometimes it is many, but it always gives you something. Something you can take on your journey through the eternal now. Something to build upon. Oh what fun life is.
You’re getting to the point now where you can really see it. You can really see how everything is for you, everything really is to make your life better, more joyful, more aligned with the truth of who you are. This is freedom. This is joy. This is peace. When you are able to walk through the world without fear, knowing that any challenge you encounter is just something to bring you more joy; and literally everything you encounter is just to bring you more joy in one way or another.
And the more you live in this frequency of joy, the more you attract and create joyful people, joyful animals, joyful experiences. This is the path ahead of you now. You have been through the pain, you have been through the confusion, the suffering, and now it is time to try out a new path. But you had to let go of a lot of baggage before you could reach the new path. It is like the new path starts at the top of a mountain.
You start off (at the bottom of the mountain) with a big heavy pack filled with all sorts of stuff, as you go on your journey your pack starts to get lighter as you eat the food and you drink the drink. As you get closer to the summit you realize you must let other things go, and then you realize to reach the summit you must let everything go. And so you leave the backpack on the side of the trail and you step forward onto this new path, completely yourself, completely light without anything weighing you down.
And on this new path, where you know you are everything, you trust and have faith and you know that all that you need will show up before you need it. You will always have everything you need And more. And so you begin to walk along this new path as you left your shoes with your bag and all the other heavy things. You are free now!
You can see why it does not make sense to have any attachments, as you already Are everything. So there is no point to be attached to anything. For you cannot gain and you cannot lose, you Are. You can see in your old way of being you had all these heavy things toting around, you never knew you could find water so you had to bring water. But on this new path you know that whenever you need water, water will be there for you; whenever you need food, food will be there for you; whenever you need money, money will be there for you. It’s All You. It’s all For you. And now it all flows to you effortlessly.
When you were wearing that heavy pack it strained your muscles, it was unnatural to carry something so heavy for such a long time. But now, released from the heaviness, your body expands back into its perfect form (and health).
You are here to show people what happens when they take off their pack. And by being that example, many many will take off their own packs and join you on the new trail at the top of the mountain, completely free, pure, and truly themselves. Some you may get to show how to remove their pack or items from their pack. Some will be affected from your vibration and not a word or even your form needs to be seen to create a great positive impact. Trust that the opportunities will present themselves to you in Divine right time. And when faced with it you will know what to do.
And move forward. It is your destiny.