Channeling ///

Higher Self & Guides // Free

"And once you are free, you are able to live."

{Tone singing}

That is your name. When you came into human form you had agreed to and chosen to forget who you truly are. To take on a pattern of a personality, the patterns of the parents who raised you, the patterns of the society to which you were a part. And you took on all of this, and now you are taking it off.

It is important to realize that all of these patterns and experiences Have served you greatly, and that you did choose them All, for a reason, for many reasons. It was so that you could have the experience that you needed to have to reach this point. You can see it as choosing the patterns to which will give you wisdom.

As through the patterns you have lived experiences and through these experiences wisdom is gained. Now at some times and some points and often many times early in your journey, you do not see that. You do not find wisdom in it at that time, you just use it as evidence of the belief that you are holding and move on until one day you realize that there’s a better way. And this is true of All beliefs that do not serve you. It is natural, yet sometimes it takes much longer for certain beliefs to be realized.

The duration is due to many factors and quite honestly that is not the important part, the important part is awareness, when you become aware that is no longer serving you, and in this moment, this moment of realization, this sweet sweet moment you have a choice; to continue to believe it and create more experiences that are alike, or choose a new a different perspective and see how that serves you.

You see all of these fear-based limited beliefs are just perspectives that do not serve you, yet you have to believe that they do serve you for them to be active in your system, you see it all comes back to beliefs. And when you believe that it does not, it is shifted to a knowing, rather than a belief. Beliefs are of the head, the mind; knowing is of the heart, the Higher Self, the Soul. In this knowing you set the belief free, and in freeing the belief you also free yourself.

And this is all humans journeys, to free themselves from all the patterns that they chose to gain wisdom from. Yet the experience does not become wisdom until the belief shifts to the knowing, it is at this point where the wisdom is gained. Until then, it is just experiences that perpetuate a belief.

And how do you know what is a belief and what is true? That all lies in your heart, Dear One. It is all within your heart. You will know by how it feels. Every single human is equipped with this ability of discernment, yet just like a muscle, it requires practice, training, and a level of effort to get it tuned in and operating to its full potential for you. But it has always been there, for you and all.

What is fascinating is that because there are so many bad-feeling beliefs many humans assume the bad feeling is more true than the good feeling yet nothing could be farther from the truth. This is something that you realized on your journey. You were so used to feeling bad that that was normal for you, you didn’t even know that life could actually be enjoyed. Yet here you are, enjoying as much of every day as you can, and every day you notice you enjoy more and more as you shifted a belief; a belief that said ‘life is about feeling bad’ to ‘life is about feeling good’.

And there’s nothing bad about feeling bad, it is perfectly good, it is to show you however that there is another option. The issue is that many humans just take that to be true without looking for a good feeling option. And why is this? People around them have chosen this bad feeling option as well, is one of many reasons, but it is quite pertinent. And so they look around and observe everyone feeling not so good and they assume it is normal and for them too.

That is why one who makes feeling good a priority seems very selfish and outlandish to those who feel that it is normal to feel bad. Yet the feeling bad is a very good thing to show you that there is a different way, a different choice one could make. And we could shift this wording of “feeling bad” to lower vibration or fear or limiting or constricting, and we could change the word “feel good” to high vibration to Love into expansion into Freedom.

You see one choice will always constrict you and make you feel trapped while the other will make you feel free. And so if you are having trouble discerning between what resonates, what is dissonant, all these words; just feel – is it freeing? or do I feel like it is trapping me? Holding me back, holding me down.

All humans innately know what freedom feels like. That is your true essence. And that is also your purpose – to be free. To be free of all of these patterns we have spoken about. And once you are free, you are able to live. And that is our intention for you and every human being on your planet.

As when you are free, when you are living, you do what feels good to you and in the doing so you raise the collective consciousness, you act as your piece of the puzzle of the whole. And you live your purpose and soul mission without even thinking about it. Feel your way forward and trust your mind is becoming more and more purified, more and more clear every day, every hour, every moment. Feel for the love all around you and know you are always safe, you are always loved, and you are Always approved of.

With much love

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Channeled Messages /// These messages are channeled by placing my attention and focus on an energy I am Guided towards. In this state I receive energy and translate it into words moment by moment. I ask permission of who I channeled before posting the message. Love and Gratitude beyond words for these insights and co-creations!