Thinking about my initial awakening process, it always included the same 4 stages.. 💡
1. Sadness – from nothing to sadness in the realization of a certain limited belief, unconscious program etc.
2. Anger – the anger arises mostly from any pain/suffering endured or caused due to the perception before realization. *note! do not stay in this mode too long, there are many ways to release the negative energy but I like to scream it out as I feel it leave on the sound vibrations
3. Forgiveness – understanding the circumstance from a higher perspective allows you to see the Purpose and how it was For you and actually benefitted the evolution of all involved 🧘♀️
4. Gratitude – integrate the learnings, let it go and relax 😎
Of course we are always awakening and this processes is like a wheel with 4 spokes, two contracting (-) and two expanding (+). To me, I see this as the awakening process in 3D & 4D. Intuitively I see on the horizon a day where are all the limited beliefs and unconscious programming are released from the human collective and from that point forward (5D) awakenings are purely expansive & in gratitude, joy, curiosity and love.