Inspiration ///


Ignite the ember within you and allow the flow of love, well-being, abundance; everything we seek ~ it's all within us.

Imagine .. a glowing orange-reddish ember in the very center of your heart. Now, consciously breathe into this ember with all of your focus. Breathe again, and again, until you feel (or see with your mind’s eye) the spark within you ignite. Continue to breathe into the ember and feel your inner flame grow warmer, expanding throughout your chest. Welcome home 🤗❤️‍🔥

We all have a glowing ember in our heart center, this is our true essence. But it is up to us to ignite it; and allow in the love, the healing, the abundance that is available to us all.

Sometimes this can happen through seeing or even just thinking of something we love. Sometimes it is a sound. Sometimes it could be when we open and receive energy from a nonphysical friend. It could be when we feel compassion for another. The possibilities are endless .. but,

for me, at this stage of my journey, I find the easiest and fastest way to really activate (ignite the spark!) my heart is through conscious breathing into the center of my heart. Sometimes all it takes is one breath, sometimes it is many very focused breaths. But it works everytime.

And when this download dropped in I was brought back to childhood camping trips and being enchanted at how one could blow on the embers to ignite a flame! 🔥✨

The more we live from our heart, the more we truly are ourselves. This is the connection point to our Divinity. Give it a go and see how you feel! Everything you seek is there; it’s all within you 🤍

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*Important* Thank you to those who wish to share any image or message for personal & not-for-profit use only; respecting copyright, and not altering the vibrational imprint of the image or message. Credit to Chelsea Sawatzky and include website link. Easy share buttons below!

Inspirational Messages /// You can think of these as personal revelations or downloads from my Higher Self. A way I’ve learned to live is to wait for Inspiration, and then Act on it. These are some of those actions. I hope they will be as helpful to you as they were for me!


Ignite the ember within you and allow the flow of love, well-being, abundance; everything we seek ~ it’s all within us.

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Traffic Light

An analogy to assist us in getting in touch with our feelings, and simplifying our response to them. Like a traffic light.

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DJ of Your Mind

A fun analogy to assist in re-focusing back to what we enjoy, and ultimately to get us back to the present moment.

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