One day as I stepped out of the shower an image of a Beaver appeared clearly in my mind’s eye. I was like what!? I have never thought that thought before and nothing in my human reality instigated it which is a clear sign to me that it is a download. As in my energetic reality I must have been the perfect match! 🦫✨ I have channeled that this was received from the Quantum Field.
It is funny but as a Canadian I have never seen a beaver. I have however stumbled across a beaver dam when I worked as an exploration geologist.. at that time I had no idea about energy but looking back I could definitely feel something of a higher frequency in that area.
After an online search I found many things that really resonated with me and it became very clear why I had received the Beaver vision! Thank you sweet friend!! 🤎
Although Beavers appear to be a selfish animal, changing the ecosystem for their own benefit – it is actually a huge benefit for all and brings greater harmony and abundance to the whole area; improving the lives of countless other animals and species. Just as when we go inside to work on ourselves to raise our vibration ~ this helps all other humans, and our entire planet at large.
Beavers are known to be hard working and determined, focused on their goal of constantly improving their living situation. They don’t do this on a whim however and wait until they have clarity on the best course of action at the best time. Taking great care in How they accomplish their mission.
Beaver also taught me not to get caught up in “being recognized” or “being the best” at something and instead, do what feels good for the joy of doing it! No matter what it is ~ it does not matter what others think. We often limit ourselves because we think we will look silly, this fear keeps us captive of our own self-made box. Try something new with childlike excitement. Everyone starts somewhere! People forget that even the most accomplished at a certain art, sport, etc. started off without a clue. What really matters is if you are enjoying life.