Yesterday morning this vision dropped in where I saw each human as having a sphere around them. You can think of it as each of our own “projection bubbles”. Everything we think, say and do is a Projection of our Beliefs.
These beliefs can be fear-based (false, constrictive) or love-based (true, expansive). But whatever someone believes Is the truth to them. And our personal reality experiences are shaped by these beliefs; many of which are unconscious/subconscious.. until we start to investigate!
It does not matter what others believe unless you believe that it does. No one can affect you unless you let them. You truly do have all the power in your personal reality experience.
I received this to help shift my own perspective to: fully accept all others exactly where they are (I ALLOW), dig deeper into my own unconscious beliefs that are no longer serving me, and ultimately to take my power back ~ knowing nothing can hurt me as it is all just a Projection.
I have spent my whole life nursing wounds from being hurt by others and now that I can see so clearly it is just a projection ~ which takes away the sting and actually makes me feel Compassion for all who hurt me.
All judgement is self-judgement.
All hate is one’s own fear.
It’s all boomerangs in a bubble 🙈
I Choose to see each one as the Divine Essence that they are and anything that is not aligned with that as just pretend. I Choose to see ALL with Acceptance, Love and Appreciation; as I Know that is how their Higher Self sees me 🥰