Inspiration ///

DJ of Your Mind

A fun analogy to assist in re-focusing back to what we enjoy, and ultimately to get us back to the present moment.

Imagine.. you are the DJ of your mind. Sometimes you pump your favourite jams, sometimes you play something more mellow, sometimes it’s just nature sounds or silence; but you never play what you don’t enjoy.

The other day when this came to me I was having such a magical day. Wonderful thing after wonderful thing kept on happening in my reality. And then, as I saw a human looking at me I waved to ‘say Hello’, but they didn’t wave back. Nothing but an empty stare.

And so after an amazing day of at least 10 awesome things I slipped into a pattern of focusing on the 1 thing that I deemed to be “negative”. Did they not like me? Did I do something wrong? Did they want to hurt me?

I caught myself in this loop and paused. The thought that arose was, ‘Why would you give your attention, Your Life Force ENERGY, to something that did not bring you joy?’. That is like if someone treats you in a way you don’t enjoy you keep trying the please them rather than giving your attention to all of the other people who do bring you joy. I realized, ‘this situation does not deserve all of this energy!’ and chose to consciously focus on the great things that happened that day, which after a smile brought me back to the present moment.

Think of when you had a walkman, discman or an mp3 player, you would never play an album or a song you didn’t enjoy. And if one does come on you ffwd or just skip it. It doesn’t need to require a bunch of thought.

I am so grateful for this experience as it has greatly assisted me in my life, and now I can share it with you. Know that EVERYTHING is happening For you, even if that may be difficult to see in the moment.

A few hours later I received the information that that person didn’t even see me wave as they had eyesight issues. Regardless, all are Innocent as we are the ones who cast the characters in our life to help us learn more about out who we are. Many thanks helper friend!!

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*Important* Thank you to those who wish to share any image or message for personal & not-for-profit use only; respecting copyright, and not altering the vibrational imprint of the image or message. Credit to Chelsea Sawatzky and include website link. Easy share buttons below!

Inspirational Messages /// You can think of these as personal revelations or downloads from my Higher Self. A way I’ve learned to live is to wait for Inspiration, and then Act on it. These are some of those actions. I hope they will be as helpful to you as they were for me!


Ignite the ember within you and allow the flow of love, well-being, abundance; everything we seek ~ it’s all within us.

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Traffic Light

An analogy to assist us in getting in touch with our feelings, and simplifying our response to them. Like a traffic light.

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DJ of Your Mind

A fun analogy to assist in re-focusing back to what we enjoy, and ultimately to get us back to the present moment.

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