Imagine your feelings are as simple as a traffic light.
🟢 Green is always what feels best. Go!
🟡 Yellow is constriction, aka when we feel tension or tightness in our body. Pause to breathe (which will relax the body) and feel gratitude for anything (which will bring us back to our center). The vibration of gratitude brings us out of the vibration of fear and so we can also think much more clearly. Proceed with awareness.
🔴 Red is when something feels awful. Stop and either pivot (in thought, words or actions), or feel out in full what is asking to be released; you will know which one. Now, if we desire to get to the root of it to free ourselves from a similar occurrence in the future ~ we can re-trace any fearful story to the fear-based belief from which it came. As all that feels awful Is fearful, and all fear is just a story, just pretend.
Shift our perspective, our focus, and watch the lights ahead turn green.