Channeling ///

Urmah Energy // Love Your Creation

"No one is forcing you to think anything or to feel anything. You are the one thinking it up, You are the one feeling what you feel."

Channeled from a 8D Urmah Collective (nonphysical)


Hello. We are happy to be with you once again. Relax. Trust. Trust the process. Trust yourself. Trust the energy. Trust yourself. Trust your journey. Trust yourself.

It is a beautiful thing to see how far humanity has come. To see where humanity has been, to see where humanity is, and where humanity is going. And you can pat yourself on the back for being a part of where it is going. As one of the beings who awakened in this time to assist the whole, not only of humanity but of earth, and the solar system, and the galaxy, and beyond.

You know that one of the reasons you are here to ensure the best time for your people in the future, and so you put yourself, you chose this path because you could see that you would not only assist the Earth, but you would assist your Galactic Heritage, your Galactic Family, your home planet and star system.

You are now able to show humans that it is possible, it is possible to find peace within. It is possible to relax, to live an abundant life of joy and ease. And although you are putting in much effort, to you it feels effortless, as it is where your excitement lies. And so, you joyfully move toward it. And this is of course to embody your Higher Self on Earth. Heaven on Earth.

What a wild and woolly adventure, but with such a beautiful happily ever after. It does seem appropriate. And you are really beginning to understand that challenges are not meant to slow you down, they are meant to speed you up; to speed up your growth, bringing you closer to who you are. As you can see from your life, if you had spaced out the challenges more it would have taken you much longer to reach This place. By condensing the challenges you were able to make faster growth. And now of course you can appreciate that, be thankful for that, and be grateful for it. And know that it is the perfect timing for you to realize that.

As you continue to move forward you see the challenges more like little games, rather than decapacitating. You more and more default to your Higher Self perspective, the 5D perspective. And although you remain in a 3D body, you can very much hold a 5D perspective in a 3D body and that Is Heaven on Earth. Merging the non-physical perspective in a physical body.

And as you hold this perspective, and the longer you hold it the more positive impact you make on the collective. And also keep in mind, the more you hold that perspective, the more enjoyable Your life is, so it is a win-win for you and for All. To hold the highest perspective that you have available to you at this time, here and now. And your Higher Self, Guides, nonphysical friends are always here to help and all you need to do is ask and they will give you a knowing, a feeling, a vision, and maybe sometimes a whisper in your ear of encouragement.

And as you hold this perspective as much as you can you will also be able to hear those message and see those visions more clearly. Feel the knowing more fully. It is a journey. A journey that now you can enjoy. Now you can relax knowing that more is always coming, and you always have everything you need and more, and you always are connected.

And as you know, your original design ~ you have perfect health, you have plenty of all that you need, you have well-being, clarity, peace, harmony; all of these things are inherent, they are the default. It is holding yourself in states of fear and distortion that is what takes so much energy, so much work. And as you know, once you let those go, so much energy is liberated from your body system and from your energy field.

And as that energy is liberated, more love can come, more light can come in. And what does that mean for you? Greater and greater levels of healing, of wholeness, of Oneness, of being your Self; your True Self, your Higher Self. You can look at the future as something so wonderful, so amazing, so beautiful that you can’t even imagine it. Know that, feel that. And in knowing that and feeling that you can accept the present, you can be present, and you can Enjoy the present exactly as it is, perfect in every way, knowing all is Your creation. Love Your Creation. No matter where you go or what you see, Love Your Creation. Everything you see is your creations; whether that is in your waking life outer reality or whether that is in your mind (or in dreams), that is Your Creation. No one is forcing you to think anything or to feel anything. You are the one thinking it up, You are the one feeling what you feel. Love Your Creation.

And say you imagine something in your mind that you do not love. You can ask yourself, ‘why did I create this?’. Which will inevitably lead you to a fearful belief that you are still holding, for once all of the fear has left your body and energy field, you will truly love All of Your Creations; inner creations, outer creations. And this is happening to you sooner than you think. And so again, be thankful for that.

All the wonderful things you could imagine and want will happen sooner than you think. So again, accept the present moment as it is, find joy in it, explore every part of it, knowing in the back of your mind that more and better is always on its way to you. And this is true for all who are reading this message. And in this way you can relax. And in your relaxed state of being you will be open to receive the guidance, the inspiration that will will propel you forward to all of these beautiful things that we see in your timelines (me and others reading this). And also when you liberate those fearful energies, your timelines become better and better still. And as you hold that knowing you are only adding more positive energy, more positive experience to your individual timeline and the timelines of the collective.

Slow ride, take it easy.

With bountiful unconditional love, your friends, the Urmah.

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*Important* Thank you to those who wish to share any image or message for personal & not-for-profit use only; respecting copyright, and not altering the vibrational imprint of the image or message. Credit to Chelsea Sawatzky and include website link. Easy share buttons below!

Channeled Messages /// These messages are channeled by placing my attention and focus on an energy I am Guided towards. In this state I receive energy and translate it into words moment by moment. I ask permission of who I channeled before posting the message. Love and Gratitude beyond words for these insights and co-creations!