Channeling ///

Faerie Energy // Actor Reality

Light and bright transmission with a simple analogy of how we can view our reality in a multidimensional way.

We are right here, and we are happy to be called on at any time. For we don’t have to eat or sleep, we are consciousness. We are light. We are Source; just like you. The main difference is that you have a physical body to look after, which takes much care, much rest, food, water, exercise. It sounds like a lot of fun! But we know for you it might sound fun to be so free, so free of all those things. So we will bring it back to let you know to just enjoy it while you are in it.

All vibrations of Source Energy spend time in and out of physicality. And you can think of it as it is your turn to be in the physical and it is our turn to be in the nonphysical. They’re both great! They’re both wonderful, and they’re both to be enjoyed. That’s what this is all about – enjoyment.

For in joy as you know you are resonating with your True Self, your Higher Self; meaning you are aligned with Source, aligned with the truth of who you are when you are in joy and so it truly is not meant to be just a passing emotion, but the default of your existence. This is what makes emotions such great indicators, guides and helpers along your journey.

For when you feel something that is not joy and not joyful, as All loving emotions Are joyful, that includes gratitude, trust, knowingness, presence, all of them, they are all joyful, all love, all joy. When you feel something that is not-so-joyful you know it is time to pause and come back to your center, come back into alignment.

So in the pause, take a deep breath, maybe 3, maybe more than 3, as many as you need to fully relax. In this relaxed state it will become much clearer as to why this not-so-joyful emotion has shown up in the first place. It could be a belief, a pattern, a program. Or simply paying attention to the characters and the story moreso than the actors and the Reality.

You are beginning to value the actors and the Reality, or let us use a different word, starting to default to the actors and the Reality over the characters and the story. It all has value, the characters and the story are what assist you to become actors and to understand the reality. But where it gets tough is when you are lost in the story and when you believe you are just a character.

Yet, when you can see that you are both a character and the actor, both the story and the Reality, which is love, which is light; you have a multi-dimensional view of reality. And from this view you get to choose which perspective to look upon the situation with. And when you look upon the situation as the actor, you will always feel joy.

Yet if you are looking from your actor view at the characters and the story, you may not feel joy, or as a character looking at the characters this can cause great disharmony. So it really does serve you to stay tuned into the Reality that all is Source, all is Love, and all is Light.

And you can have fun with the characters and fun with the stories, but where you get tripped up is where you focus on the character thinking it’s the actor, and on the story believing it’s the Reality. So now that you understand this, you have really, fully, broken free of the 3D matrix. And you can feel it. For in the 3D matrix, you believe you are just the character and the story is the reality.

But from the 5D perspective you see that you are both the character and the actor, the story and the Reality, and you can merge the actor – the nonphysical part of you and the character – the physical part of you. The reality is love, the story is what you make it – it can be love it can be fear, but when you realize that you have the choice and that fear is nothing you can let that go from your focus.

As in the past you had a tendency to focus on the most fearful thing in your “reality”. And this is not your fault, this is nothing bad, this is just how one in survival views the “reality” when they don’t understand the Reality of the “reality”. And as you are in actor mode, you see all of the other characters actors as well. And you know that you have the ability to communicate with them and everyone does.

So it is up to you to use your discernment of which characters to engage with on a character to character level, which characters to engage with on an actor to actor level, and which characters to engage with on an actor to character level. And you can’t get it wrong. Just trust in whatever comes up, your first thought.

Trust your feelings, trust your sensitivity, trust in your abilities; you are doing a great job and as you continue on your path, navigating the physical realm of characters and stories it will become easier and easier and easier. And as you place your focus more on the actors and the reality, managing the characters and the stories becomes easier still.

Love your character, love your stories and your story. And know that you are the actor, Source; your Higher Self, your Light Body; and that you live in a Reality of love, of light. Default to this truth and watch the fearful stories dissipate and new fun stories come into your imagination. Watch the fearful characters dissipate as you see the Reality that they were infinite love all along. And that All creation accepts you as you are, approves of you as you are, unconditionally loves you as you are, and appreciates you as you are, and sees you as that actor, as the Divine Essence that you are.

And if you ever forget, just call on us and we will remind you. With love and joy!

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Channeled Messages /// These messages are channeled by placing my attention and focus on an energy I am Guided towards. In this state I receive energy and translate it into words moment by moment. I ask permission of who I channeled before posting the message. Love and Gratitude beyond words for these insights and co-creations!