When I was having a difficult time focusing on what I wanted to, this vision dropped in. It made it WAY easier for me to point my focus in a positive direction and maybe it can assist you too 🤗
Imagine a Dartboard in your mind that includes Everything in Your reality. The more Joy something gives you the closer it is to the center Bullseye; this could be people, places, things, activities, manifestations/creations, anything! ⭕️
Your Darts are your Thoughts and/or Intentions, and you always want to hit the center. If you miss, just pull it out and aim for the center again; no need to lament over the missed shot just breathe, reset, and point it at the Bullseye until all your darts are in there! 🎯
You can unconditionally love everything in your reality without giving everything your focus. Your Focus is reserved for what brings you Joy, Peace, Gratitude; really any feel good or feeling relief emotion. In this way you draw more things into your reality that will make you feel good or feel relief ♾️ An Abundance of what You desire.