Ignite the ember within you and allow the flow of love, well-being, abundance; everything we seek ~ it’s all within us.
Traffic Light
An analogy to assist us in getting in touch with our feelings, and simplifying our response to them. Like a traffic light.
DJ of Your Mind
A fun analogy to assist in re-focusing back to what we enjoy, and ultimately to get us back to the present moment.
Tide Line
A very helpful visual aid for staying present and bringing one back to the present!
What You Think …
Perception awareness! A key to a new level of consciousness, peace and freedom.
Easy Dream Decoder
Dreams can provide valuable insights on blind spots, what to release, and give beautiful encouragement!
Queen Bee
Fun analogy to assist in releasing people pleasing patterns. The best thing you can do for others is to Bee the best you!
True or False?
Two quick and easy tests to tap into your Discernment and determine if something is True for you or not.
All Cells make One
Perspective shift from an individual to the whole, where it is easy to only desire the very best for all.
Your True Self ..
In any moment we can Choose to be our True Self. We can choose to Be Love. To Be Free.