Projection Bubble

Why do we get so distraught about what others think, say and do? It is choosing the fearful story over the loving reality.

Koala Dream

When I wake up after an animal dream I am always excited to intuit what it means for me here and now.

Arc of Growth

It is so much easier to stay positive when you realize that everything you’re working on is on a upward trajectory.

Beaver Vision

Who knew a Beaver seemingly randomly appearing in my awareness would have such a profound impact on my life!

Tiger Vision

Another feline-inspired message that came through during Lion’s Gate 2024! Love and Gratitude beyond words.

Bullseye Focus

A fun way to ensure you are focused on what makes you feel good, which attracts more good feeling experiences.

Thought Forms

Focus on expansive thoughts makes us feel good, which attracts more good feeling circumstances into our lives.

You have All the Power

How you view others has a huge effect on your vibration and thus your reality and experiences you manifest.