Dragonfly Pattern

The dragonfly symbolizes self-realization and reminds us to live life to the fullest!
Source Energy “Tap”

Every human being is connected to Infinite Love yet few understand how to open the tap.
Attention -> Attraction -> Experience

Shifting from an unwanted-focus (fear) to a wanted-focus as Creators of our own reality.
Nightmare or Dream

How do you perceive the world? As the nightmare or the dream?
My Light Language

The vision I saw in a ‘Discover your Light Language’ meditation!
To Share or Not to Share?

Be an example of one who lives in Joy, if others are seeking ~ they will Ask.
Vibrational Reality

You are the perfect vibrational match to the experiences and circumstances in your life.
The Eternal Present

Like a film reel, all exists simultaneously but we shine our light through the present moment, here and now.